
Plant Radio.

The plant-radio is a design that allows for communicating in a very basic way with a plant.

We wrote an academic research paper about the design of the radio: “Plant Radio: Tuning in to plants by combining posthumanism and design”.

Two videos uploaded to YouTube explain the paper:


We designed the Plant Radio as a technological kit for participants of the workshops to bring home in order for them to enter into creative processes with plants. The radio processes the electrophysiological signals of the plant and transforms it into three different outputs:

  1. Visualisation - a running graph on the screen maps the data

  2. Sonification - an audio intepretation of the plant comes out of the speakers

  3. Illumination - pulsating light in changing colors represent the shift in the plant’s different states

Below you can find pictures of the plant-radio throughout its different stages - from an idea on sketch paper to a final product.

If you are curious of how the plant-radio sounds like, then watch this video with footage from our first workshop.

We have also created an in-depth guide on how to build your own plant-radio on Instructables.